CEREC is a cutting-edge dental technology designed to restore teeth that are decayed, cracked, or chipped. With CEREC, we can create full crowns, inlays, onlays, and veneers in just a single visit. The CEREC machine produces these restorations from compressed porcelain in a matter of minutes.

The key advantage of CEREC is that it allows for a complete restoration in just one appointment, eliminating the need for uncomfortable impression materials and temporary restorations.

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The process for placing a CEREC restoration is straightforward and efficient. First, the dentist will remove any decay from the tooth and shape it in preparation for digital imaging. The tooth is then lightly sprayed with a fine powder to ensure the digital camera can capture a clear image.

Once the image is taken, it appears on a computer screen in 3D, allowing the dentist to design the restoration in real-time. After finalizing the design, the CEREC machine will mill the restoration, which typically takes about 15 minutes. You are welcome to observe this milling process if you wish.

Once the milling is complete, the dentist will place the restoration on your tooth. The entire procedure usually takes just over an hour.