Inlays and onlays, often referred to as partial crowns, are used to strengthen a tooth, restore its shape, and prevent further damage. They are designed to fit onto the existing tooth structure, with the tooth itself serving as the base. An inlay is used when there is no damage to the tooth’s cusps and can be placed directly onto the tooth’s surface. An onlay is used when the damage extends beyond the cusps, covering a larger area of the tooth.
book onlineThe procedure begins with removing the decayed or damaged portion of the tooth. A mold is then taken and sent to a dental lab, where a restoration is crafted from porcelain, gold, or composite resin. This process typically takes about 2-3 weeks, during which a temporary inlay or onlay is placed on the tooth. At your follow-up visit, the permanent inlay or onlay will be fitted and secured with dental cement. Once completed, the restoration will blend seamlessly with your natural teeth, making it nearly indistinguishable from the rest of your smile.